When food producing animals are treated with antibiotics, hormones or other veterinary drug residues remain in the animal’s meat and milk. These residues may bear health risks for consumers. Food or feed contaminated with mycotoxins can have serious acute and chronic effects on the health of humans as well as animals.


Antibiotics are able to kill microorganisms or inhibit their growth. In human and veterinary medicine, antibiotics are therefore used as drugs for the treatment of bacterial diseases.

Hormones and anabolics

Residues of hormones and anabolic steroids in foods such as meat or milk provide a potential health risk to consumers. Hormones are endogenous biochemical messengers which are transported through the bloodstream to their target organs. Besides natural sex hormones, synthetic steroids and beta-agonists can be used in livestock breeding to improve the average weight gain and the meat/fat-ratio.

Other veterinary drugs

In addition to antibiotics and anabolics, animals are sometimes treated with further veterinary drugs which can also lead to residues in food. Those drugs include fungicides, anthelmintics, corticosteroids, tranquilizers  and coccidiostats

Mycotoxins contaminants

Mycotoxins are toxic metabolites produced by molds. They can have serious acute and chronic effects on the health of humans as well as animals. Mycotoxin analysis of food and feed is therefore necessary and often required by legislation. Modern test kits allow rapid qualitative and quantitative analysis of mycotoxins.

Biostone Scientific offers an extensive portfolio of test kits and analytical services for fast, simple, and sensitive veterinary drug residues and other contaminants detection.

ELISA Test Kits
AsurPure™ Aflatoxin Total Test KitAsurPure™ Halofuginone Test Kit
AsurPure™ Aflatoxin Total Test Kit (5min. incubation)AsurPure™ Lincomycin Test Kit
AsurPure™ Aflatoxin B1 Test KitAsurPure™ Malachite Green/Leucomalachite Green Test Kit
AsurPure™ Aflatoxin M1 Test KitAsurPure™ Nitrofurantoin (AHD) Test Kit
AsurPure™ Amantadine Test KitAsurPure™ Nitrofurazone (SEM) Test Kit
AsurPure™ Avermectins Test KitAsurPure™ Nitroimidazoles Test Kit
AsurPure™ Celtiofur Test KitAsurPure™ Ochratoxin A (OTA) Test Kit
AsurPure™ Chloramphenicol (CAP) Test KitAsurPure™ Ofloxacin Test Kit
AsurPure™ Chloramphenicol (CAP) (Milk Only) Test KitAsurPure™ Oxytetracycline Test Kit
AsurPure™ Ciprofloxacin Test KitAsurPure™ Streptomycin Test Kit
AsurPure™ Crystal Violet/Leucocrystal Violet Test KitAsurPure™ Sulfadiazine Test Kit
AsurPure™ Deoxynivalenol (DON) Test KitAsurPure™ Sulfonamides Test Kit
AsurPure™ Doxycycline Test KitAsurPure™ T2 Toxin Test Kit
AsurPure™ Enrofloxacin Test Kit (One-Step)AsurPure™ Tetracycline Test Kit
AsurPure™ Erythromycin Test KitAsurPure™ Thiamphenicol (TAP) Test Kit
AsurPure™ Florfenicol Test KitAsurPure™ Tilmicosin Test Kit
AsurPure™ Flumequine Test KitAsurPure™ Tylosin Test Kit
AsurPure™ Fluoroquinolone Test Kit (One-Step)AsurPure™ Zearalenone (ZEN) Test Kit
AsurPure™ Fluoroquinolone Test Kit (Two-Step)AsurPure™ Zilpaterol Test Kit
AsurPure™ Fumonisin Test Kit
AsurPure™ Furaltadone (AMOZ) Test Kit
AsurPure™ Furazolidone (AOZ) Test Kit (One-Step)
Biostone Scientific